
Note:  Do not rely on this information. It is very old.


Iodoform, a compound of composition CHI3; i.e. similar to chloroform (q.v.) with the substitution of iodine for the chlorine; which is obtained by the action of potash upon alcohol or acetone.

It forms yellow crystals of the hexagonal system, is soluble in water, and possesses a saffron-like odour. If warmed with carbolic acid and potash, a red coloration is obtained, and this forms a convenient method of testing for the compound.

It is much used in surgery for its antiseptic properties. There are two preparations in the pharmacopoeia - the suppository and the ointment.

Iodoform wool and iodoform gauze are employed in the treatment of wounds, and iodoform powder is often dusted over ulcerated surfaces. When used in excessive quantities the substance has been absorbed freely, and has been known to produce severe constitutional symptoms.